Coming Back to LifeThe updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects
By Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown
The original Coming Back to Life has helped people transform denial, despair and grief in the face of the social and ecological challenges of our time. This new, completely updated edition repositions the classic work within the context of deepening global crises and the cognitive, spiritual and perceptual revolutions occurring all around us. |  The Ambushed Grand JuryBy Wes McKinley and Caron Balkany, Esq.
The Ambushed Grand Jury is the true story of four Citizen Investigators who uncover the Justice Department’s cover-up of deadly radioactive contamination at Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. |  A Year of DisobedienceBy Joseph Daniel
A Year of Disobedience and a Criticality of Conscience is a beautiful updated edition of the original photo-documentary on the demonstrations, civil disobedience, arrests, and trials of thousands of people against the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant during the one-year period between April 29, 1978 and April 28, 1979. |