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The Goals of Rocky Flats Nuclear Guardianship are established with the guidance of the Nuclear Guardianship Ethic
Please also see the About page to review
the Nuclear Guardianship Ethic
The Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge is surrounding an active superfund site
Halt public recreation at Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Public recreation at Rocky Flats National Wildlife refuge is an unnecessary risk to public health and safety
Link to Additional Information
Stop the Rocky Mountain Greenway from being built through Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Action based on the Precautionary Principle. Stop intrusive land management that could stir contaminated soil.
Prevention of controlled burns
Prevention of construction of the Jefferson Parkway
Link to Additional Information
This map was produced in 1970 by two scientists, Krey and Hardy, from the Atomic Energy Commission, predecessor to the Department of Energy
Photo by Robert Del Tredici
Housing development in the foreground looking Southwest toward Rocky Flats nuclear weapons facility
Action based on the Precautionary Principle regarding housing developments nearby the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Prevention of further housing developments
Links to research Candelas
Prevention of expansion of Gross Reservoir
Links to research expansion of Gross Reservoir
Collect and organize records about the Rocky Flats plant and the current condition of the local environment
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